PT Gunung Madu Plantations (GMP), which was established in 1975, is a pioneer effort in the sugar plantations and mills outside Java, especially Lampung. The company status of PMA. Sugarcane plantation and sugar mill of PT. GMP situated in the village of Gunung Batin, Central Lampung, about 90 miles north of the city of Bandar Lampung.
GMP area managed 36,000 ha, with an area of ​​approximately 25,000 ha of plantation production. The remaining land outside the garden is the production of roads, rivers, conservation areas, building factories, offices and employee housing. In addition there are about 4,000 ha of sugarcane acreage of the people who partner with PT GMP. Sugarcane acreage is still the people will continue to grow.
Topography is generally flat. Found throughout the landscape as a potential lebung water tank and some fairly large rivers passing in the eastern region.
Advanced technology applied in the garden and in the factory, including the utilization of machine tools and automation of agriculture is widely at several stations in the factory. Yet a number 8000-10000 workers remain absorbed each day during the harvest season and the rollers.
Production rate has now reached an average of 2 million tons of sugarcane and about 190,000 tons of sugar per year. The quality of sugar are routinely tested and certified by Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Gula Indonesia as a laboratory of the Komite Akreditasi Nasional.
GMP area managed 36,000 ha, with an area of ​​approximately 25,000 ha of plantation production. The remaining land outside the garden is the production of roads, rivers, conservation areas, building factories, offices and employee housing. In addition there are about 4,000 ha of sugarcane acreage of the people who partner with PT GMP. Sugarcane acreage is still the people will continue to grow.
Topography is generally flat. Found throughout the landscape as a potential lebung water tank and some fairly large rivers passing in the eastern region.
Advanced technology applied in the garden and in the factory, including the utilization of machine tools and automation of agriculture is widely at several stations in the factory. Yet a number 8000-10000 workers remain absorbed each day during the harvest season and the rollers.
Production rate has now reached an average of 2 million tons of sugarcane and about 190,000 tons of sugar per year. The quality of sugar are routinely tested and certified by Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Gula Indonesia as a laboratory of the Komite Akreditasi Nasional.
Job Vacancies at PT. Gunung Madu Plantation (GMP) for January 2012
We are now looking for some candidates to fill the vacant positions in our company :
- D3 in Civil Engineering
- Preferably Male
- Max age 30 years old
- Minimum Grade Point Average Index for S1 = 3.00 and D3 = 2.75
- Willing to be placed at the plantation site
- D3 in Accounting
- Preferably Male
- Max age 30 years old
- Minimum Grade Point Average Index for S1 = 3.00 and D3 = 2.75
- Willing to be placed at the plantation site
- D3 of Electrical Power Lines
- Preferably Male
- Max age 30 years old
- Minimum Grade Point Average Index for S1 = 3.00 and D3 = 2.75
- Willing to be placed at the plantation site
- D3 of Chemical Engineering
- D3 of Food Technology
- Max age 30 years old
- Minimum Grade Point Average Index for S1 = 3.00 and D3 = 2.75
- Willing to be placed at the plantation site
How to Apply ?
Please submit your resume to the address below :
Jalan Kebon Sirih no.39
Jakarta Pusat - Kode Pos 33211
Phone : (021)31937575
Fax : (021)3142159