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Showing posts with label Technical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technical. Show all posts

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lowongan Laboratory Technician, PT Jotun Indonesia, Cikarang

Advertised:22-06-12 | Closing Date:22-07-12 from PT Jotun Indonesia.Jotun is one of the world's leading manufacturers of paints, coatings and powder coatings. The group has 74 companies and 39 production facilities on all continents. In addition, Jotun has agents, branch offices and distributors in more than 80 countries. Jotun's total sales in 2011 were NOK 14,742 million, and has today more than...

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lowongan Assistant Technical Manager, Jakarta

Advertised:1-6-12 | Closing Date:1-7-12from PT Sukabumi Trading Coy (Repsol).PT. SUKABUMI TRADING COY is a leading and well established chemicals & lubricant oil trading company, looking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positionAssistant Technical ManagerJakarta RayaResponsibilities: Technical Support for Repsol MarketingProvide Technical training to sales and distributorControl...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lowongan PLC TECHNICIAN, Jakarta

Advertised:17-06-12 | Closing Date:17-07-12from PT Herman Industries.Kami adalah distributor mesin plastic injection/die-casting LK. Sedang membuka lowonga kerja: PLC TECHNICIANJakarta RayaRequirements: S1/D3 Teknik ElektroMenguasai PLC berbagai merek diutamakan Mitsubishi, Omron, GEMenguasai Program Scada Basic & Program Visual Basic Intermadiate levelMengerti/paham komponen-komponen otomatisasiDapat/mampu...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Data Mining Staff (DMS), PT Cahaya Arif Abadi

Advertised:24-05-12 | Closing Date:23-06-12from PT Cahaya Arif Abadi.CAA initially established to serve the emerging cellular project implementation. In continuing growth of telecommunication development and to optimize of our high skilled manpower, CAA aim to provide high quality engineering and strategic management services in telecommunication field, including consultancy, network design and...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Electrical Engineering Staff (Code : ENG), PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia

Advertised:21-5-12 | Closing Date:20-6-12from PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia.GRAB YOUR FUTURE WITH US!As one of the top electronics manufacture, we are continuously expanding business through improvement and innovation.We invite young engineer to grow with us as:Electrical Engineering Staff (Code : ENG)Jakarta RayaRequirements: Male, max. 28 years oldD3/S1 degree from Elctro Engineering with...

Mechanic workshop, PT K Line Mobaru Diamond Indonesia, Bekasi

Advertised:20-05-12 | Closing Date:19-06-12from PT K Line Mobaru Diamond Indonesia...... URGENTLY NEEDED .....We are a service company in Car Carrier Specialist & Container Trucking need proffesional people to fill position below as: Mechanic workshopBekasi (Jawa Barat) - Pondok Ungu, BekasiRequirements: Candidate must possess at least a SMK in Automotive TechnicalApplicants must be willing...

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