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Showing posts with label Banking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Banking. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jobs Vacancy PT Pepsi Cola Indobeverages

Jobs Vacancy - PT Pepsi Cola Indobeverages more commonly called Pepsi, is a brand of soft drink manufactured by PepsiCo and is sold worldwide through stores, restaurants and vending machines. 

This drink was first created on August 28, 1898 by pharmacist Caleb Bradham. This brand is a trademark on June 16, 1903. There are several variants of Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, among others, Pepsi Max, Pepsi Samba, Pepsi Blue and Pepsi Gold.

We invite highly motivated individuals like you to join :

Finance Staff (Consolidation - Business Data Analyst)
Jakarta Raya - Indofood Tower - Sudirman Plaza 

Responsibilities :

Consolidation (Code : Consol)
  • Detail consolidation report
  • LE report, budget AOP and strategic plan
Business Data Analyst (Code : Analyst)
  • Prepare - update - analysis financial report : trend, costing analyst
Requirements :
  • Male/Female max. 32 years old
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking, Commerce or equivalent.
  • Required skill : financial report, consolidation report, budget.
  • Preferred skill : microsoft office, aplikasi macro, presentation.
  • Required language : English, Bahasa Indonesia
  • At least 2 year of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Finance - General/Cost Accounting or equivalent. Job role in Management/Cost Accounting/Business Analyst or Financial Accounting & Reporting.
  • 1 Full-Time position available.
If you meet requirement above, please send your Application/CV before August 14, 2012 to :

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bank BCA Syariah Recruitment June 2012 for Jakarta, Bekasi & Surabaya Areas


PT Bank BCA Syariah (Bank BCA Syariah) diawali dari sebuah bank umum bernama PT Utama International Bank (PT Bank UIB) yang berkedudukan di Jakarta. 

Pada tahun 2009, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, mengakuisisi PT Bank UIB yang kemudian melakukan proses konversi kegiatan usahanya menjadi bank syariah, dengan nama PT Bank BCA Syariah. Dari proses konversi tersebut, pada tanggal 5 April 2010, PT Bank BCA Syariah resmi beroperasi. Dalam rangka mewujudkan Visi dan Misi BCA Syariah, berbagai produk funding, jasa dan pembiyaan telah dikembangkan dan dipasarkan kepada Masyarakat. 

Karir di Bank BCA Syariah Periode Juni 2012

Untuk pengembangan bisnis kedepan yang akan menunjang ekspansi usaha PT Bank BCA Syariah, kami memberikan kesempatan kepada anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang dipersyaratkan untuk mengisi posisi-posisi/ bidang kerja yang tersedia di bagian bawah ini.

Apabila nantinya Anda berminat dan memenuhi semua persyaratan yang diminta dalam suatu posisi kerja yang bersangkutan, silakan langsung lakukan pelamaran kerja secara online melalui Bank BCA Syariah Career

Kepala Bidang Remunerasi dan Administrasi SDM (Assistant Manager) - Jakarta
Persyaratan :
  • Pria/ Wanita, usia maksimal 35 tahun
  • Pengalaman di HR minimal 5 tahun mencakup lingkup pekerjaan : Payroll HRIS Kompensasi & Benefit, perencanaan dan kontrol biaya tenaga kerja Administrasi SDM (administrasi karyawan baru, karyawan mutasi, demosi dan promosi, dll.), pendaftaran dan proses klaim kesehatan karyawan, pendaftaran dan pembayaran Jamsostek
  • Menguasai perhitungan perpajakan (Pph 21)
  • Terampil dalam menggunakan Microsoft excel, word dan power point
  • Memiliki pengetahuan konseptual yang baik
Tanggal penutupan registrasi kerja : 06-07-12

Account Officer - Jakarta & Surabaya
Tanggung Jawab :
  • Memasarkan produk - produk bank syariah khususnya di bidang pembiayaan, dana dan jasa sesuai dengan kebutuhan calon nasabah/ nasabah.
  • Mengelola dan meminimalisasi risiko pembiayaan di kantor cabang dan layanan syariah melalui proses seleksi nasabah potensial yang tepat.
  • Menyediakan database calon nasabah/ nasabah yang potensial.
  • Membuat dan melaksanakan rencana kerja bulanan untuk pencarian calon nasabah/ nasabah yang potensial sesuai dengan target yang telah ditetapkan.
  • Melakukan pendekatan dan kunjungan usaha ke tempat calon nasabah/nasabah dalam rangka pengembangan hubungan, pengumpulan data, dan dokumen yang dibutuhkan.
  • Menganalisa calon nasabah/nasabah dan menyajikan hasil analisa dalam bentuk memo pengolahan/ scoring system (baru/ tambahan/ perpanjangan).
  • Memberikan penjelasan prinsip – prinsip perhitungan bagi hasil produk dan jasa Bank Syariah kepada nasabah/ calon nasabah.
  • Menjalankan proses monitoring (termasuk kunjungan on the spot) terhadap kegiatan dan perkembangan usaha nasabah, aktivitas rekening, kolektibilitas nasabah, pemakaian plafon dan overdraft
  • Menindaklanjuti ketidaklengkapan dokumen nasabah.
  • Menampung dan memberikan solusi atas keluhan yang disampaikan nasabah.
  • Membuat laporan hasil trade checking & surat untuk Bank Checking.
  • Menjalankan proses BI Checking, menganalisa  dan membuat laporan apabila hasil BI Checking nasabah kurang memenuhi persyaratan terkait dengan kolektibilitas, dan kondisi sebab macet.
  • Memberikan informasi kepada bagian administrasi pembiayaan mengenai hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan nasabah dalam rangka penginputan kolektibilitas.
Persyaratan :
  • Usia 25 s/d 35 tahun
  • Pria/ wanita
  • Pendidikan Minimal D3
  • Ketrampilan yang dibutuhkan (Soft Skills/ Hard Skills) : Komunikatif, keterampilan negosiasi, keterampilan menjual, memiliki daya analisa
  • Ulet, tidak mudah menyerah, jujur, memiliki motivasi dan mobilitas tinggi.
  • Ketrampilan tambahan : Ms. Office
  • Pengetahuan yang harus dimiliki : Pengetahuan mengenai produk perbankan syariah.
  • Memiliki database nasabah potensial
  • Pengetahuan prinsip - prinsip perhitungan bagi hasil produk dan jasa Bank Syariah.
  • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai account officer di perbankan konvensional , lebih disukai perbankan syariah min. 3 tahun.
Tanggal penutupan registrasi kerja : 04-07-12

Rekrutmen Staff - Jakarta
Tanggung Jawab :

  • Bertanggungjawab untuk pelaksanaan pemenuhan tenaga kerja yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang ditentukan perusahaan.
  • Menseleksi surat lamaran dan CV yang memenuhi kualifikasi perusahaan.
  • Menjalankan proses psikotes secara individual maupun klasikal.
  • Skoring hasil tes psikologi.
  • Melakukan kerjasama dengan biro Psikologi dan Klinik Kesehatan
Persyaratan :
  • Umur maksimal 26 tahun
  • Pria/ wanita
  • S1/ S2 Psikologi Universitas Terkemuka
  • Ketrampilan yang dibutuhkan (Soft Skills/ Hard Skills) : MS. Office, memiliki keterampilan dalam menginstruksikan dan menskoring alat tes, menguasai teknik wawancara berbasis perilaku
  • Jujur, cekatan, rajin dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan.
  • Pengetahuan yang harus dimiliki : Pemahaman mengenai alat psikotes, pengetahuan mengenai alur proses rekrutmen
  • Minimal 1 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang rekrutmen dan seleksi.
Tanggal penutupan registrasi kerja : 24-6-12

MIS Staf - Jakarta

Tanggung Jawab :
  • Pengolahan Database, dari mulai source data hingga bentuk data pelaporan.
  • Membuat tool pelaporan
Persyaratan :
  • Usia kurang dari 30 thn
  • Pria/ wanita
  • Pendidikan Minimal S1
  • Ketrampilan yang dibutuhkan (Soft Skills/Hard Skills) : Menguasai SQL Server, menguasai MS Office (Access, Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
  • Ketrampilan tambahan : Menguasai Bahasa Pemograman Java
  • Pengetahuan yang harus dimiliki : Pengetahuan mengenai perbankan
  • Fresh Graduate atau memiliki pengalaman sebagai MIS Staf min. 1 tahun.
Tanggal penutupan registrasi kerja : 30-06-12

Staf Operasional Mikro Area Bekasi
Tanggung Jawab :
  • Membantu Pimpinan Cabang dalam pelaksanaan rencana kerja tahunan, rencana operational dan pelayanan nasabah.
  • Bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap kegiatan operasional cabang sesuai ketentuan dan pembinaan yang diterima melalui Kantor Area atau Kantor Pusat.
  • Melakukan kordinasi maintain nasabah pembiayaan melalui proses kunjungan terjadwal oleh petugas Teller sesuai target dengan memperhatikan strategi yang telah ditetapkan bersama dengan Pimpinan Cabang .
  • Bertanggung jawab terhadap infrastruktur cabang bersama Kepala Kantor dan berkordinasi ke Kantor Pusat untuk memastikan berfungsi secara maksimal.
Persyaratan :
  • Umur maksimum 28 tahun
  • Pria/ wanita
  • Lulusan Strata I (S1)
  • Keterampilan yang dibutuhkan (Soft Skills/ Hard Skills) : MS. Office
  • Memiliki keterampilan dalam menangani nasabah pembiayaan khususnya untuk meningkatkan performa cabang
  • Jujur, cekatan, rajin dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan.
  • Pengetahuan yang harus dimiliki : Pemahaman mengenai penanganan operasional cabang, pengetahuan mengenai penanganan maintain nasabah pembiayaan
  • Minimal 3 tahun bertugas di operasional mikro cabang.
  • Penempatan di Cabang Bekasi
Tanggal penutupan registrasi kerja : 29-06-12

Staff Kepatuhan - Jakarta
Tanggung Jawab :
  • Membantu pejabat Pelaksana didalam mengimplementasi penerapan Program APU dan PPT (Anti Pencucian Uang dan Pencegahan Pendanaan Terorisme)
  • Melakukan pemantauan dan analisa terhadap profil dan transaksi nasabah
  • Melakukan pemantauan pengkinian data nasabah termasuk pengkinian data nasabah berdasarkan Risk Based Approach
  • Melakukan koordinasi dengan Cabang terkait penerapan Program APU dan PPT (Anti Pencucian Uang dan Pencegahan Pendanaan Terorisme)
Persyaratan :
  • Usia 24 - 28 tahun
  • Pria/ wanita
  • Pendidikan minimal Strata I (S1)
  • Berkelakuan baik
  • Menguasai computer (Word, Excel, Power Point)
  • Mampu bekerja sendiri maupun secara team
  • Mampu bekerja keras
  • Memiliki kemauan untuk selalu belajar
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
  • Mampu beradaptasi terhadap lingkungan sekitar
  • Pengetahuan yang harus dimiliki : Memiliki pengetahuan tentang Prinsip mengenal Nasabah (KYCP), dan Operasional Bank
  • Pengalaman Kerja : Staff KYC/ Customer Service/ Back Office/ Operasional Bank minimal 2 tahun
Tanggal penutupan registrasi kerja : 8-6-12

Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan diundang dalam proses interview kerja.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bank ICB Bumiputera Vacancy June 2012 for Sales Officer Position


Bank ICB Bumiputera saat ini membutuhkan segera kandidat dengan posisi serta kualifikasi berikut ini :

Sales Officer/ SO
Persyaratan :
  • Pria/ wanita, usia antara 23 - 28 tahun
  • Fresh Graduate atau berpengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di bidang Marketing
  • Pendidikan min. D3 semua jurusan, IPK min. 2.75
  • Jujur, ulet dan Anda akan ditawarkan jenjang karir yang bagus
Lamaran kerja diterima paling lambat tanggal 10 Juni 2012 (Cap Pos).

Bagaimana Cara Melamar ?

Silakan kirimkan lamaran kerja Anda beserta kelengkapan dokumen berikut ini :
  1. Fotokopi KTP dan SIM C
  2. Fotokopi Ijazah terakhir dan transkrip nilai
  3. Foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 (2 lembar)
  4. Surat Lamaran dan CV
  5. Surat pengalaman kerja (bila ada)
Ke alamat : PT. Bank ICB Bumiputera Tbk. U.P. : Yuhdhi Agung Prasetyo, Jln. Magelang KM 12, Wadas Tridadi - Sleman.

Atau bisa juga melalui email pada link di bawah ini.

Bank ICB Bumiputera

Monday, June 4, 2012

Maybank International Business Case Challenge June 2012 for Final Year Student

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bank Central Asia Development Program May 2012 for Throughout Indonesia


Bank Central Asia or usually known as "BCA" is a reputable Indonesian private bank founded on August 10, 1955.

Recruitment Program in May 2012 at BCA

BCA is now offering at you a wide career opportunity for these following areas of Indonesia :

Aceh, Bali, Bengkulu, Papua, Jakarta Raya, Jambi, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur, Lampung, Maluku, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Riau, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Utara, Yogyakarta, Bangka Belitung, Banten, Gorontalo, Maluku Utara 

BCA Development Program (BDP)
  • Bachelor or Master degree from reputable university.
  • GPA of at least 3.00 for Bachelor Degree and 3.25 for Master Degree (on a scale of 4.00).
  • Maximum age of 25 years for Bachelor Degree and max. 27 years for Master Degree.
  • Have systematic communication.
  • Have High motivation.
  • Have high power of analysis.
  • Have ability to work in teams.
  • Drug-free.
  • Not married yet (single) and willing to not get married during the study.
  • Willing to be assigned and placed on the branches of BCA throughout the territories of Indonesia.
  • Willing to follow the education and the working bond after education.
  • Pass the selection test held by BCA.

For those who are interested and matched with all of the requirements, please refer to the above provided link for online job registration purpose.

Job Note : The current offered program will be closed on June 13rd, 2012.

Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/ phone for Test and Interview.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

BUMN Recruitment Bank Bukopin May 2012 for Back Office Field


Bank Bukopin that since the founding date of July 10th, 1970 focusing on UMKMK segment, while it has grown and evolved into a bank that went into the middle bank by assets in Indonesia. Along with opening up the opportunity and capacity to serve the needs of the wider community our bank has developed its business into commercial and consumer segments.

Career Opportunities at Bank Bukopin in May 2012

Bank Bukopin invites you to be participated at the employee selection program to be positioned as :
  1. Funding Oficcer
  2. Account Officer
  3. Relationship Officer
  4. Staff Administration
  5. Receptionist

Registration Procedures 

We are expecting you to join the following employee selection program. Please send your CV by also completed with recent photograph and desired position to the following provided email address at below link.

Please be addressed to : Attention Hadi Sulistio (Tio) - Recruitment Officer of PT CMPN (partner of Bank Bukopin). Phone : 0856 94 222 001/ 9542 8008.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Bank ICBC Indonesia Vacancies May 2012 for Jakarta, Surabaya & Balikpapan Areas


PT. Bank ICBC Indonesia (ICBC Indonesia) is a subsidiary bank and is 97.83% owned by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd (ICBC Ltd), the biggest commercial bank in china, has been operating in Indonesia since 2007 with total 12 branches in area of Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung.

ICBC Ltd in 2007 has won various honors such as "Best Bank in China", "Best Trading in the World", "Best Management Company in China" awarded by the magazine Bankers, Global Finance, The Assets, Finance Asia, and was appraised by Economic Observer as "Most Honored Corporation in China".

ICBC Indonesia has commitment to build a financial bridge to serve the ever-increasing economic corporation between China and Indonesia and it will also provides quality and diversified financial services to corporate and individual customers in Indonesia and ASEAN.

Our motto is, “Your Future is Our Future and Our Future is Your Future”. 

Jobs at Bank ICBC Indonesia in May 2012

Due to our growth and expansion, we are seeking for highly talented candidates to fill in our vacant position with following qualifications at below descriptions.
For any interested applicant at a desired position/ field, please send your application and please state the job code via email to : HR@ina.icbc.com.cn

Risk Management (Branch Representative) - Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
  • Identification of credit exposure, liquidity, market and stipulated operational set by risk management committee.
  • Data collecting, validity data, analysis data from operational unit and audit intern operational unit as report making material.
  • Calculation on credit exposures, liquidity, market and operational set as report making material.
  • Making monthly and quarterly report of risks to be reported to head of risk management, which later to be reported to Bank Indonesia.
  • To do activity research and development on all risk management to face external development and to provide information to head unit of risk management.
  • Candidate must possess at least 2-3 years banking experience related to Risk Management Field
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Finance/Accountancy/Banking, Commerce, Economics or equivalent.
  • Full-Time positions available.
Closing Date:29-05-12

Internal Auditor - Jakarta

  • Prepare and implement audit program activities referring to Audit Plan and Schedule.
  • Conduct audit activities both Off Site and On Site Audit in branches/sub branches and Head Office related to all bank’s operations and management as plan and schedule based on audit standard practices and methodology.
  • Conduct inspection of reports from Branches/Sub Branches such as Financial Statements, Balance Sheet Reports, Profit/Loss, Internal and External Reports (including to Central Bank), to analyze and to check the compliance to the internal and external system, procedure and regulations.
  • Discuss and clarify the audit findings with auditees in unit organizations.
  • Prepare Audit Report (Passive and Active Reports) to Head of Internal Audit referring to audit report format.
  • Give follow up recommendation based on Audit Findings and potential risks.
  • Monitor the follow up of audit findings implemented by auditees in unit organizations.
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
  • At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Banking/Financial Services or equivalent.
  • Full-Time positions available.
Closing Date: 6-6-12

Branch Manager - Kalimantan Timur (Balikpapan)
  • Plan annual work plan and stipulate work target for every unit under his/her supervision and ensure the achievement of branches profit target.
  • Develop and improve Bank’s image in business groups on regional government institutions as well as maintain and expand the network in order to support marketing activity for financial products/services.
  • Control monthly expenses and approves expenses in order that expense budget according to the budget.
  • Organize goals responsibility from operation unit and training for staffs under his/her supervision at level of branch office to assist implementation of human resources development under his/her organization units.
  • Provide operational support to branch offices within branch offices supervision area in order to help bank operational.
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Commerce, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking, Marketing or equivalent.
  • At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Applicants must be willing to work in Balikpapan.
  • Preferably Managers specializing in Banking/Financial Services or equivalent.
  • Full-Time positions available.
Closing Date: 6-6-12

We apologize that only short listed candidates will be notified and no telephone enquiries will be entertained.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Recruitment Permata Bank May 2012 for West Java & Riau Areas


PT Bank Permata Tbk or Permata Bank is Indonesia’s leading award-winning bank. With almost 300 branches and built on strong values, a healthy financial performance, a robust synergy between its major shareholders, Standart Chartered Bank & PT Astra International Tbk, and the vision of becoming a Great Bank, Permata Bank is ready to embark on its journey to Growth.

We believe that our people is the fundamental factor that will determine our success in this journey, hence we invite all of you, Talented Individuals, to join us and grow together with an organization that takes pride in knowing its people, caring for them, focusing on their development and inspiring them to bring out the best in them.

Careers at Permata Bank in May 2012

We currently have a number of opportunities in the following fields and positions :

Teller (Pekanbaru) - Pekanbaru (Riau)

  • Male/ Female
  • Age between 21 - 25 years old
  • Minimum 1 year experience in Teller in banking industry
  • Good communication in English
  • Able to operate Computer (Microsoft Office)
  • High Integrity
Closing Date:02-06-12

Customer Service (Pekanbaru) - Pekanbaru (Riau)
  • Male/ Female
  • Age between 21 - 25 years old
  • Minimum 1 year experience in Customer Service in banking industry
  • Good communication in English
  • Able to operate Computer (Microsoft Office)
  • Good apperance
Closing Date:02-06-12

Relationship Manager (Funding) - Jakarta

To acquire and maintain relationship with priority customers, to assist them in meeting their needs for banking products by doing selling and cross selling.

  • Minimum 2 years experience as marketing funding  in Banking or relevant industry
  • Energetic, highly motivated and possess a strong drive to succees in challenging sales/service objectives
  • Wide networking
  • Good communication skill
Closing Date:03-06-12

Relationship Manager (RM SME) - Jakarta

To acquire and maintain relationship with SME Banking customers, and assist them in meeting their needs for SME Banking solutions by offering products and services designed from SME Banking customers

  • Minimum 2 years experience as marketing lending (loan size 1 - 50 bio) in Banking or relevant industry
  • Energetic, highly motivated and possess a strong drive to succees in challenging sales/service objectives
  • Good analytical skill
  • Wide networking
  • Excellent communication skill with customer focus orientation
Closing Date:03-06-12

Customer Service (Cikarang) - Cikarang (Jawa Barat)
  • Male/ Female
  • Age between 24 - 28 years old
  • Minimum 1 year experience in Customer Service in relevant industry
  • Good communication in English
  • Able to operate Computer (Microsoft Office)
  • Interest in selling product
Closing Date:03-06-12

RM SME Commercial - Bandung & Jakarta
  • Maintain exciting customer and new SME Commercial customer or group company.
  • Mantain plafon credit in range 2 Bio - 100 Bio. 
  • Target oriented and have good selling skills. 
  • Have good network and portofolio commercial SME customer.
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Commerce, Economics, Marketing, Secretarial or equivalent.
  • At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Manager/ Assistant Managers specializing in Banking/Financial Services or equivalent.
  • Full-Time position(s) available.
Closing Date:06-06-12

Wealth Management Executive - Bandung & Jakarta
  • Maintain exciting customer and new to bank customer 
  • Have good knowledge about investment and bankassurance.
  • Have good networking, good selling skills, and wealth portofolio 
  • Target revenue oriented.
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, any field.
  • At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Manager / Assistant Managers specializing in Sales - Financial Services (Insurance, Unit Trust, etc) or equivalent.
  • Full-Time position(s) available.
Closing Date:06-06-12

Mortgage Sales Specialist (Tangerang) - Tangerang (Banten)

Giving Home loan to customer and maintain relationship with Broker and Developer.

  • Minimum 1 year experience as Mortgage loan sales in Banking or relevant industry
  • Good networking with Broker and Developer
  • Good Selling and Analytical Skill
  • Energetic, highly motivated and possess a strong drive to success in
  • Challenging sales/ service objectives

How to Apply ?

To help reduce paper consumption, please submit all applications online by accessing the provided link at below refer to Permata Bank Jobs

All applications will be treated in strict confidential and only shor-listed candidates will be notified.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bank Danamon Vacancy April 2012 for High School Graduates


PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk or Bank Danamon is an Indonesian bank established in 1956.

The Company's Correspondence Details :

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk 
Address : Jl. Matraman Raya No.52 Jakarta Timur (Samping Gramedia), Jakarta - Indonesia

Career Opportunities at Bank Danamon in April 2012

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk is now inviting you to join one of the best banking team and the opportunity to be a Permanent Employee.

Account Officer DSP
  1. Graduated from min. SMA/ SMK, age max. 35 years old
  2. Have experience in the field of sales min 1 year
  3. Have SIM C and two wheels vehicle
  4. Ready to work in the field
  5. Able to communicate well
  6. Getting to know the local community
Remuneration offered:
  • Fixed salary
  • Attractive Incentive
  • Health insurance, accident insurance and life insurance
  • Two times a year for THR (Tunjangan Hari Raya) 
  • A complete training program
  • Employment status : Not outsourced (Under Bank Danamon directly)
  • Have a career path
  • The atmosphere is dynamic and challenging work
  • Placement areas : Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang

Registration Directions
Bring directly your complete application letter and CV by also including a copy of ID card (KTP), transcript/ list of values​​, last diploma (Ijazah), and 2 (two) copies of latest photographs 3 x 4 size to the employer's official address that has been stated at above correspondence descriptions refer to Bank Danamon Recruitment

Job Note : Please do your job application submission process before the deadline date on April 20th, 2012.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bank OCBC NISP Secured Loan Officer Program April 2012 for S1 Graduates


PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk (previously known as Bank NISP) is the fourth oldest bank in Indonesia, established on April 4, 1941 in Bandung under the name of NV Nederlandsch Indische Spaar En Deposito Bank.

Bank OCBC NISP has since evolved into a solid and reliable bank, catering mainly to the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) segment. It officially became a commercial bank in 1967, a licensed foreign exchange bank in 1990, and a publicly listed bank on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 1994.

In the late nineties, Bank OCBC NISP successfully weathered the Asian financial crisis and subsequent collapse of the banking sector in Indonesia, without government support in forms of Government recapitalization bonds. Bank OCBC NISP was in fact, one of the banks in the country to resume large-scale lending immediately after the crisis. This initiative enabled the Bank to record robust growth.

Bank OCBC NISP’s well-known reputation in the market and its promising growth had merited attention from International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank Group which become shareholder in 2001 - 2010, and from OCBC Bank-Singapore, which sought to become a shareholder in the Bank and ultimately became a controlling shareholder through acquisition and tender offer since 2004. OCBC Bank-Singapore currently owns 85.06% stakes in Bank OCBC NISP.

With the support from OCBC Bank-Singapore, Bank OCBC NISP has set ambitious program to enhance its infrastructure, including human resources, information technology and branch network. This initiative partly compelled the movement of the Bank’s headquarter to OCBC NISP Tower in the center of Jakarta, which allowed Bank OCBC NISP to have direct access to the heart of businesses in Indonesia.

Bank OCBC NISP currently employs more than 6,000 employees who are highly motivated to serve customers in 408 offices throughout 88 cities in Indonesia.

Job Program at PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk - April 2012
Develop and build a carrier with Bank OCBC NISP? Why not?
Bank OCBC NISP since its establishment in 1941 has been consistently implementing the prudential banking principles and has succeeded to conduct a healthy banking practices and survive through many crises in Indonesia.

We invite you who has the spirit, full of initiative, high self-confidence, good communication and interpersonal skill and a willingness to learn to join us and actively participate towards a ”BANK OCBC NISP” as one of the Successful National Bank.

Secured Loan Officer Program - Jakarta
  • Male/ Female, max age 26 years
  • Fresh Graduated, with minimal formal education S1 all majors, IPK min 2.75
  • Attractive appearance, have the full range of communication skills in persuasive and have a wide networking and also target oriented
  • Preferably have experience in Marketing
  • Domiciled on Jabodetabek is preferred

Job Registration Procedures

Interested candidates may apply at the following link that has been shown at above.

Only qualified applicants will be processed further. The recruitment process will be conducted by OCBC NISP without imposing any cost.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Recruitment PT Bank Mutiara, Tbk April 2012 for D3 & S1 Graduates


PT Bank Mutiara, Tbk or known as Bank Mutiara (Mutiara Bank) is an Indonesia company that is engaged in banking financial services. The bank is based in Jakarta. Founded in 1990.

Job Opportunities at Bank Mutiara in April 2012

As the focus of the Best Bank in Indonesia, PT. Mutiara Bank, Tbk has a foreign exchange bank and has to go public which has the largest branch in Greater Jakarta, Karawang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Solo, Palembang, Medan, Jambi, Bali, Pekanbaru, Pangkalpinang and Makassar in order to expand the business, offers career opportunities with us at :

Banking Development Officer - Funding Officer (FO)/ Loan Account Officer (LAO)
Requirements :
  1. Male/ Female
  2. Max 27 years old
  3. Fresh Graduated – any discipline
  4. Bachelor Degree from reputable University with outstanding Academic results
  5. GPA min 2.75
  6. Basic Marketing/ Marketing applicative
  7. Sales Oriented
  8. Have excellent communication in english
  9. Having good personality, good appearance
  10. Discipline, have a highly motivated, ambitious and enjoy challenges
  11. Good analytical thinking
  12. Target oriented and able work under pressure
  13. Ready to work at all branches in Indonesian

Officer Development Program (code:ODP) 
Requirements :
  1. Male/ Female
  2. Single, max 25 years old
  3. Fresh Graduate - any dicipline Bachelor Degree from reputable University
  4. GPA min 3.00
  5. TOEFL min 450
  6. GPA min 2.75
  7. Have excellent communication in english
  8. Having good personality, good appearance
  9. High motivated , ambitious , dinamich and sales oriented
  10. Good analytical thinking
  11. Target oriented and able work under pressure
  12. Emotional Quotation and Charming
  13. Ready to work at all branches in Indonesia

Banking Development Staff - Customer Service (CS) / Teller (TL)/ Ass. Funding Officer (AFO) / Asst. Loan Account Officer (LAO)
We will participate in the program include Banking Development Staff to provide attractive remuneration package and on going training include :
  • Fixed Salary
  • Food & Transportation Allowances
  • Training on going
  • Health facilities and other
Requirements :
  1. Male/ Female
  2. Single, max 23 years old/ 25 years old (Experience 2 years for the Same Position)
  3. Fresh Graduated – Diploma III in any dicipline from reputable University
  4. GPA min 2.75
  5. Have excellent communication
  6. Having good personality, good appearance• High motivated, ambitious, dynamic and sales oriented
  7. Good analytical thinking
  8. Target oriented and able to work under pressure
  9. Emotional Quatation and Charming
  10. Willing to not get married for 2 years or during the training period

Registration Procedures

Interested candidates are invited to write to the fullest resume by also including current and expected salary, contacted telephone number and recent photo to the company refer to Bank Mutiara Recruitment

Please access at the link above for "how to apply" and other supported details of the offered job programs that have been explained at above descriptions.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bank Bukopin Vacancy April 2012 for Solo Area


Bank Bukopin that since the founding date of July 10th, 1970 focusing on UMKMK segment, while it has grown and evolved into a bank that went into the middle bank by assets in Indonesia. Along with opening up the opportunity and capacity to serve the needs of the wider community our bank has developed its business into commercial and consumer segments.

Career Opportunity at Bank Bukopin in April 2012

Currently we are opening the opportunity to be a professional banker in Marketing field as a fixed employee with the following requirements :

Marketing - Solo
  • S1 education with GPA min 2.75
  • Maximum age 27 years for Male and max. 25 years and single for Female
  • Have an extensive networking
  • Have a good analysis
  • Attractive appearance (Office Look), honest and able to communicate well
  • Experience in sales (preferred)
  • Have a proportional body height (please be included your body height in application)

Job Application Procedures
For candidates who are interested to join in, please send us your complete application, CV and an updated photo of yourself to SDM Bank Bukopin Tbk, Cabang Solo - Jl. Sudirman 10, Solo 57111

Job Note : Please do your application submission before April 30th, 2012.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bank Panin Relationship Management Program March 2012 for Jakarta Area


PT. Bank Panin Tbk or Panin Bank is a fast growing private national Bank.

Job Announcement in March 2012 at Panin Bank KCU Kopi - Jakarta

We are currently seeking several qualified individuals to support our expanding business in Jakarta area for the following program :

Relationship Management Program
  • S1/ S2, max age 27 years old, GPA min. 2.75
  • Have interpersonal & communication skills
  • Fluent in English (Mandarin is a plus)

Registration Procedures

To apply, send your resume and necessary documents with recent photographs via email

Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pengumuman Kerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur (Bank NTT) Maret 2012


Dalam rangka pengembangan usaha PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur (Bank NTT) di bidang pembiayaan usaha mikro, kecil, menengah dan besar serta bidang operasional perbankan, kami membutuhkan 137 calon pegawai (123 Laki-Laki dan 14 Perempuan) yang militan dalam upaya berpartisipasi membangun perekonomian NTT. 

Adapun persyaratan yang dibutuhkan sebagai berikut :
  1. Pria/ Wanita.
  2. Berpendidikan minimal Sarjana (S1).
  3. Merupakan lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau Swasta yang Terakreditasi
  4. IPK min : 2,60
  5. Usia maksimal 28 tahun.
  6. Tinggi/ Berat badan minimal : Pria : 160 cm/ Proporsional, Wanita : 150 cm/ Proporsional, 
  7. Berpenampilan menarik, memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik.
  8. Belum pernah menikah dan tidak memiliki anak diluar perkawinan yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Pernyataan Pribadi diatas materai Rp.6.000,- dan Surat Keterangan dari Lurah atau Kepala Desa.
  9. Lebih diutamakan yang berpengalaman kerja dibidang Jasa Keuangan, Perbankan, jasa konstruksi dan perpajakan, serta mampu berbahasa Inggris dan mampu mengoperasikan komputer minimal Microsoft Office.
  10. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah Kerja Bank NTT.
  11. Program Studi / Jurusan yang dibutuhkan : Perikanan/ Kelautan, Pertanian, Peternakan, Ekonomi, Akuntansi/ Manajemen, Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan, Ekonomi Perbankan, Perpajakan, Administrasi Niaga, Hukum Warna Merah, Psikologi Warna Hijau, Komputer/ Teknik Informatika, Teknik Industri/ Mesin, Teknik Sipil/ Arsitektur
  12. Lulus test/seleksi dengan sistem gugur meliputi : seleksi administrasi, seleksi fisik, tes pengetahuan, psikotest, test kesehatan dan wawancara.
  13. Menyampaikan surat lamaran yang ditujukan kepada Panitia Penerimaan Pegawai Bank NTT, ditulis sendiri (tulis tangan) diatas kertas bermaterai Rp.6.000,- dan dilengkapi dengan daftar riwayat hidup (CV), foto copy ijazah atau keterangan lulus dari Almamater dan transkrip nilai lengkap yang dilegalisir, foto copy sertifikat keahlian, foto copy KTP, pas foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 4 lembar (terbaru), surat keterangan berbadan sehat dari dokter, foto copy Kartu Keluarga, Kartu Tanda Pencari Kerja (Kartu Kuning) dari Depnakertrans, Surat Kelakuan Baik dari Kepolisian dan Surat Rekomendasi dari pimpinan tempat kerja sebelumnya.
  14. Berkas lamaran dialamatkan kepada Panitia Penerimaan Pegawai Bank NTT dan diserahkan langsung kepada Panitia sebagai berikut : Pelamar yang berdomisili di Kota Kupang dan Kabupaten Kupang, lamaran diantar langsung ke Panitia Bank NTT Kantor Pusat Jl. W. J. Lalamentik Nomor 102 Kupang, bagi pelamar yang berdomisili pada daerah lain (selain Kota Kupang dan Kabupaten Kupang), lamaran diantar langsung ke Kantor Cabang Bank NTT di wilayah Ibu Kota Kabupaten/ Kota terdekat dengan ketentuan surat lamaran diisi dalam map berwarna sesuai program studi diatas dan berkas lamaran diterima terhitung tanggal 20 Februari s.d 15 Maret 2012, jam 08.00 s.d 15.00 WITA setiap hari kerja (Senin s/d Jumat).
  15. Berkas lamaran yang telah disampaikan sebelum tanggal pengumuman ini, dinyatakan tidak berlaku dan pelamar yang melamar diluar dari program studi / jurusan yang telah ditetapkan, dinyatakan gugur atau tidak berlaku.
  16. Pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan tersebut diatas akan dipanggil mengikuti seleksi berikutnya yang diumumkan melalui Mass Media (Koran + Radio), papan pengumuman resmi Bank NTT atau dapat diakses melalui website BPD NTT
  17. Test/ seleksi dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Independen yang professional.
  18. Berkas lamaran yang telah diterima oleh Bank NTT menjadi milik Bank dan tidak dapat dikembalikan.
Silakan unduh secara lengkap informasi resmi dari Bank NTT mengenai pengumuman kerja ini melalui link yang tersedia.

Pengumuman resmi tersedia oleh Panitia Penerimaan Pegawai Bank NTT (Kupang, NTT).

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