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Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Jobs Vacancy The John's Cianjur Aquatic Resort

Jobs Vacancy - The John's Cianjur Aquatic Resort is the perfect tour for families, located in the Cianjur - West Java. The Jhon's Cianjur Aquatic Resort, a perfect location for a magnificent family vacation. The Jhon's Cianjur Aquatic Resort was conceived as a water palace, landscape gardens and lagoon or river surrounding low-rise The Jhon's style buildingsOur more 10-hectare area and a large...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Jobs Vacancy - PT. Modernland Realty, Inc.

Jobs Vacancy - PT. Modernland Realty, Inc. is a major developer and has been a while acting in the world of real estate since 1983. In the year 2007 there is a reshuffle in the managementbody under the leadership Edwyn Lim to affecting positive change for the development of the company and also with changes in the system that lead to the improvement of qualityand service to consumersPT. Modernland...

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