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Showing posts with label Media Publishing Company. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media Publishing Company. Show all posts

Monday, May 7, 2012

Kompas Gramedia Printing Vacancies May 2012 for D3, S1, S2 & S3 Degree

Kompas Gramedia Printing Vacancies May 2012 for D3, S1, S2 & S3 DegreeGramedia Printing established in 1972 as one of the strategic business unit under Kompas Gramedia. Has dedicating its proficient services in printing the leading mass media in Indonesia with almost 1400 employees & 7 plants manufacturing across Indonesia. Jobs Announcement at Kompas Gramedia Group of Printing in May 2012Build...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

PT Penerbit Erlangga Vacancies April 2012 for D3 & S1 Graduates

 PT Penerbit Erlangga Vacancies April 2012 for D3 & S1 GraduatesPT Penerbit Erlangga is a company that produces various kinds of printing. The company was founded in 1952 and is headquartered in Jakarta. The subsidiaries of Penerbit Erlangga are Esis, Phibeta, GAP Print, Eureka Book House, Esensi, Erlangga for Kids, and Majalah Bravo. These companies generally produce a wide range of textbooks,...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Bisnis Indonesia Newspaper Vacancies March 2012

Bisnis Indonesia Newspaper Vacancies March 2012Bisnis Indonesia is a daily newspaper, published in Jakarta, Indonesia. Bisnis Indonesia primarily covers Indonesian financial and business news and issues. It is published by PT Jurnalindo Aksara Grafika (PT JAG), a company founded by three conglomerate businessmen in Indonesia: Sukamdani Sahid Gitosardjono (Sahid Group), Ciputra (Ciputra Group),...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Recruitment PT Kompas Media Nusantara February 2012

 Recruitment PT Kompas Media Nusantara February 2012PT. Kompas Media Nusantara or Kompas is the most widely read newspaper in Indonesia. Published by Kompas-Gramedia Group Publishing since June 28, 1965, it has a reputation in Indonesia for high-quality writing and investigative journalism. It is written in Indonesian. Our History The paper was first suggested by General Ahmad Yani, then...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Koran Republika Vacancies February 2012

Koran Republika Vacancies February 2012Koran Republika is one of several national daily newspapers in Indonesia. The newspaper is also known as a Moslem publication. Republika was founded in 1992 and the first edition was published on January 3, 1993, by Yayasan Abdi Bangsa (Abdi Bangsa Foundation) -- a foundation that supported by Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (ICMI -- Indonesian Moslem Intellectual...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Kompas Gramedia Vacancy January 2012

 Kompas Gramedia Vacancy January 2012Kompas Gramedia Group is the largest media conglomerate in Indonesia.After the success of the magazine Intisari (released 17 August 1963), P. K. Ojong and Jakob Oetama launched a national newspaper called Kompas. The newspaper's first issue was released on 28 June 1965.Their aim was to breach the huge gap in daily news and information that that was lacking...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

PT Mahaka Media Tbk Vacancies January 2012

 PT Mahaka Media Tbk Vacancies January 2012PT Mahaka Media Tbk is a growing media group of companies.MAHAKA MEDIA, with its tagline "Unlimited Content Creation", is a multiplatform media company that creates, sells, aggregates and delivers community content through whatever platform consumers demand. This national company is located in Plaza ASIA (previously known as Plaza ABDA), 26th Floor,...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Koran Seputar Indonesia (Sindo) Vacancies December 2011

 Koran Seputar Indonesia (Sindo) Vacancies December 2011Seputar Indonesia newspaper (Koran Sindo) published debut, on June 30, 2005. Born by PT Media Nusantara Information (MNI), a sub-sidiary of the PT. Media Nusantara Citra (MNC) that shaded RCTI, TPI, Global TV and Trijaya Network. PT. MNC is very experienced in managing the media as well as fairly well established and influential, both among...

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