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Showing posts with label ICT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ICT. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - Syspro and Authorization Analyst July 2012

Garuda Indonesia / garuda-indonesia.comPT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - Garuda Indonesia is a national flag carrier of Indonesia and was established in 1949. The Company's base located in Jakarta. As of year-end of 2011, Garuda Indonesia operated 87 fleets and supported by 42 domestic routes and 24 international routes. The Company supported by 4 subsidiary companies consist of PT Abacus Distribution...

PT Badak NGL - Recruitment Pre Employment Program, Experienced Auditor July 2012

Badak NGL / badaklng.co.idPT Badak NGL - Badak NGL is one of the largest energy company in Indonesia engaged engaged in LNG business.  The Company based in Jakarta and supported by production facility and representative office in Bontang East Kalimantan. The Company's shareholders were PT Pertamina (Persero) with 55%, Vico Indonesia 20%, Total E&P Indonesie 10%, and JILCO with 15% shares....

PT Astra Honda Motor - Recruitment D3, S1 Astra Honda Motor July 2012

PT Astra Honda Motor / astra-honda.comPT Astra Honda Motor - PT AHM is the Indonesian market leader in motorcycle industry. The Company was established in 11 June 1971 under the name of PT Federal Motor and renamed into PT Astra Honda Motor since 2000. The Company operated in Indonesia as a joint venture company between PT Astra International Tbk with Honda Motor Company Ltd. PT AHM based in Jakarta...

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