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Showing posts with label MT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MT. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

PT Badak NGL - Recruitment Pre Employment Program, Experienced Auditor July 2012

Badak NGL / badaklng.co.idPT Badak NGL - Badak NGL is one of the largest energy company in Indonesia engaged engaged in LNG business.  The Company based in Jakarta and supported by production facility and representative office in Bontang East Kalimantan. The Company's shareholders were PT Pertamina (Persero) with 55%, Vico Indonesia 20%, Total E&P Indonesie 10%, and JILCO with 15% shares....

PT Bank Syariah Bukopin - Management Development Program, Marketing, Frontliner July 2012

Bank Syariah Bukopin / syariahbukopin.co.idPT Bank Syariah Bukopin - Bank Syariah Bukopin is a fast growing Islamic Banking companies in Indonesia. The Bank was established  in 1990 with the name of PT Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia. The Company's name changed into current name in 2008 after PT Bank Bukopin Tbk acquisited PT Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia and become the controlling shareholders....

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk - Juli 2012

CIMB Niaga / cimbniaga.comLowongan Kerja PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk - Juli 2012 - CIMB Niaga is one of the reputable private banking companies in Indonesia. The Company was founded in 1955 under the name of Bank Niaga. Its name chaned into PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk in 2008 as the result of bank mergers between Lippo Bank and Bank Niaga. The Bank serving customer transactions supported by 24-hour electronic...

Lowongan Kerja PT Kao Indonesia - Juli 2012

PT Kao Indonesia / kao.comLowongan Kerja PT Kao Indonesia - Juli 2012 - Kao is a multinational consumer goods manufacturing company operated in Indonesia with numerous leading brands. The Company was established in 1997 as a merger result between PT Dino Indonesia Industrial Ltd with PT Dinokao Indonesia. The Company operated as a part of Kao Corporation, a reputable company from Japan. The Company's...

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk - Juli 2012

PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk / bii.co.idLowongan Kerja PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk - Juli 2012 - BII is one of the reputable local financial companies in Indonesia and engaged in banking services. The Company was established in 1959 and its based in Jakarta. The bank operated as one of the largest network in Indonesia, as of December 2011, BII supported by more than 351 branch...

Lowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat Indonesia - Agustus 2012

Bank Muamalat / infobanknews.comLowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat Indonesia - Juli 2012 is the 3rd biggest syariah banking company in Indonesia. As of year-end of 2011, the Bank operated 360 branch offices with 475 units of ATM Muamalat all over Indonesia. The Company also recorded Rp32.48 trillion in total assets, grew by 51.77% in 2011, while net profit increased by 60.07% compared to 2010. Bank Muamalat...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lowongan Kerja PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk - Juli 2012

WIKA / indonesiafinancetoday.comLowongan Kerja PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk - Juli 2012 is the largest domestic contractor company in Indonesia. The Company operated as a State Owned Enterprise (BUMN) in the field of construction services that is throughly-integrated both upstream and downstream. The Company listed its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (now called by Indonesia Stock Exchange)...

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Mega Tbk - Juli 2012

Bank Mega / indonesiafinancetoday.comLowongan Kerja PT Bank Mega Tbk Juli 2012 - Bank Mega is one of the reputable private-owned commercial banking companies in Indonesia. The Company was established in 1969 under the name of PT Bank Kardiman. The Company's name changed into PT Bank Mega Tbk in 2000. Bank Mega operated in Indonesia as a part of Para Group, one of the Indonesian largest holding companies....

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lowongan Kerja PT Sari Husada - Juli 2012

Sari Husada / okezone.comLowongan Kerja PT Sari Husada Juli 2012 - Sari Husada is one of the Indonesian largest food manufacturing companies and focused in baby nutrition manufacturing. The Company was established in 1954 under the name of NV Saridele and in 1972 its name chaged into PT Sari Husada. In 2008, the Company become a part of Danone Group, a multinational food and beverage company. The...

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